Wedding dress advice for mature brides

More and more people are deciding to marry or remarry at an older age. While younger brides and models tend to dominate the pages of wedding magazines and designer runways, older brides are on the rise. They also have several advantages when it comes to choosing a timeless wedding dress. The Telegraph explores their stylistic edge below:

“For one thing, [the mature bride] probably has a much clearer idea than the twenty-something about what suits her, both physically and temperamentally. For another, she’s less likely to be swayed by a mother wanting to relive her wedding fantasies vicariously – or by anybody else’s preconceptions for that matter, partly because there are fewer preconceptions around.”

Mature bride

As an older bride, the chances are you’ll have a strong idea of what looks good on you and what is likely to stay fashionable for more than a single season. You’ll probably need little guidance from us to find your perfect dress, but to help make your dress hunt go even more smoothly, we share our wedding dress advice for mature brides below.

Embrace you

Unlike a younger bride, you probably have a greater sense of freedom when it comes to wedding planning. Things don’t have to go perfectly and you’re under less pressure to find a so-called ‘dream’ dress.

Many older brides choose shades other than white for their wedding dress. A wedding at an older age can be a great chance to experiment with colour. Go for a gown to suit the season with a colour that flatters your shape. Additionally, mature brides will have a good idea of what cut suits them best. Go for a style you feel comfortable (as well as glamourous) in for a timeless wedding day appeal.

Mature couple

Focus on your best features

Twenty-something brides often choose figure-hugging wedding dresses, but that may not be the preferred option of a mature bride. That doesn’t mean long gowns with long sleeves though! There are many sophisticated wedding dresses that will help you make the most of your best features. Focus on cuts and designs that show off your favourite features.

Look outside the box for inspiration

While you may not find inspiration in classic wedding magazines where the majority of models will be younger, don’t be afraid to look for inspiration in other places. Think of your favourite actresses who are of a similar age or who share similar features and find inspiration in their outfit choices. You could also look to your favourite film heroines and take inspiration from their styles of dress.

Couple on bench

The right dress for a mature bride

We hope you found our wedding dress advice helpful. As a mature bride, you will have a much better idea of what suits you and in what you’ll feel most comfortable on your wedding day. Listen to your gut and don’t be afraid to show off your best features and embrace colours and cuts that express your personality.

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