Our wedding was outstanding and more than met our expectations. Already we have had numerous compliments from friends and family about the venue, the food and how much they enjoyed the day.
Country House Weddings
Country House Weddings offers six hand-picked wedding venues, chosen for their picturesque settings and opulent interiors, and designed solely with weddings in mind. From castles to country estates, a wedding-day dream can be created for all.
About CHW Our Venues Request a BrochureWhy Choose A CHW Venue?
Our wedding was outstanding and more than met our expectations. Already we have had numerous compliments from friends and family about the venue, the food and how much they enjoyed the day.
To get in touch with a member of the team, please email or call us via the contact details below. Alternatively, if you'd like to request a brochure or enquire about date availability, please click 'request a brochure' in the menu at the top of this page.