All Things Engagement Rings

All things engagement rings

Engagement Ring Facts

Deciding to take a relationship to the next stage by proposing is an exciting time for a couple, and even more exciting is the engagement ring search and process. Finding a ring that encompasses both a person’s style and personality is important and learning the history and different cuts of diamonds can help with the perfect ring search.

The significance of diamonds dates back to the ancient Greeks, who thought diamonds were tears from the gods. Diamonds then became the hallmark symbol for love in 1947 when DeBeers launched a campaign with the slogan, “A Diamond is Forever.” The campaign’s success is still celebrated in present times as the diamond solitaire ring is the most popular engagement ring choice to this day.

Some of the most popular cuts of diamonds include round, emerald, oval, pear and cushion. Over the years, cluster and halo engagement rings have become more desirable as they add extra sparkle to your ring by making the central diamond look bigger, while at a more affordable price.

For 100+ engagement ring facts check out ROX definitive guide on everything you need to know about this symbolic piece of jewellery.


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