5 things every engaged couple should do before they start wedding planning

So, you said “yes”, now the fun can really begin! Before you rush out to your nearest bridal boutique and try on every wedding dress in sight, there are a number of things you should do before the business of wedding planning begins.

Being engaged after all should be celebrated. It’s a huge milestone in any relationship and one that deserves to be enjoyed wholeheartedly by the both of you as well as those around you.

We reveal five things every newly engaged couple should do before they even think about what their big day might look like.

1. Share the big news

Sharing your big news with not just your nearest and dearest but the entire world is one of the very first things you’ll be keen to do.

But before you head to your favourite social media platform to share your ring selfie and gushing announcement, tell those closest to you in person.

Your children and stepchildren, parents and in-laws, grandparents, siblings, close family members and friends should be the first to know and they should hear it from you.

When you’ve shared your news with all those who matter, it’s time to go public. Update your relationship status, choose a picture that shows off that sparkler, and share your story.

WeddingDates suggests making your proposal story as personal as possible to ensure it’s not just another ‘we’re engaged’ announcement:

“If you do decide to share your proposal story on that big ole space known as the world wide web, make it personal and true to you as a couple. Maybe you will upload details and pictures of how the big question was popped or share a story about your relationship together and what this milestone means to you. Some couples hire a professional photographer who will shoot an engagement session to officially make an announcement online.”

2. Insure that sparkler

We hate to ruin the romance of your engagement with talk of insurance, but that newly acquired sparkler needs protection. Accidents happen, and ring insurance ensures you’re covered should the worst happen.

Read more reasons to insure your engagement ring right here.

3. Treat yourself

What better way to shout that you’re engaged than to decorate your work desk and home with mugs and other trinkets that actually spell it out!

These fabulous keepsakes (or ‘engagement merch’) are certain to be treasured for years to come.

Engagement-themed goodies can be practical too, with engagement ring dishes great investments for brides wanting to keep their sparklers safe.

Those looking for the perfect gift for just engaged couples will find plenty of inspiration in our engagement merch gift guide.

4. Book in for a resize

You may not want to take that engagement ring off, but if your sparkler doesn’t fit, you should book it in to be resized.

While this may mean parting with it for a few days, the perfect fit will ensure comfortable wear and optimum security.

5. Celebrate with everyone you love

Getting engaged is a big deal, which is why this major milestone should be celebrated. Before you rush out to plan your engagement party, keep your initial celebration between just the two of you.

As a couple, you’ll need time to process your new relationship status. That’s why we’d recommend spending some quality time together before you even break the news of your engagement.

That just engaged feeling is a beautiful thing, and the days and weeks after you say “yes” are the most magical of all. So much so that many couples book an engagement-moon to enjoy the romance of being engaged completely free from distractions.

Once you’re ready, celebrate your engagement with the people you love. An engagement party is a great way to do just that.

It’s also the ideal opportunity to tackle a bit of planning, and this practice will serve you well when you start planning your wedding day.


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