How much money should you gift to the newlyweds?

It’s no secret most people prefer to receive money as a gift, even in lieu of more thoughtful gestures and offerings. Marrying couples in particular are asking for cash gifts rather than relying on more traditional wedding gift lists, as wedding planner Jessica Helyar describes:

“Couples are generally moving away from the traditional gift list although many still feel a bit cheeky asking for cash. Most couples feel more comfortable asking for money when it is associated with something like their honeymoon or a specific excursion, whether they spend it on that or not. There are still lots of couples opting for the traditional gift list with about half asking for money, or at least that as an option. I’ve also seen couples ask for money towards an art fund or a wine fund.”

However your bride- and groom-to-be intend to spend the money, knowing how much to gift them is another challenge modern day wedding guests have to overcome. The British stiff upper lip makes it difficult for most to be brutally honest when asking fellow guests, or even the bride and groom themselves, what amount is acceptable. In this blog post, we aim to answer this very question to ensure you can gift money confidently at an upcoming wedding.

Why couples want cash

An increasing number of brides and grooms are asking for cash, and for good reason. With the average UK wedding now costing £30,355, many couples use their money gifts to recoup some of these costs. Those not recouping wedding costs tend to use the money they receive to fund spending for their honeymoon, or redecorate the home they share.

Buying wedding presents, particularly for modern day newlyweds who already live together and tend to have it all, is challenging. Many guests are therefore welcoming the rising popularity of cash wedding gifts with open arms.

Giving the right amount

Many guests use the value of what they would have spent buying a wedding present as a guideline for their cash gift. The cash value of your wedding gift can also be dictated by your relationship with the bride or groom. Parents, close family members and BFFs for instance tend to give more than attending work colleagues, acquaintances or those not particularly close to the newlyweds.

What you spend attending the wedding can influence how much you gift. If you travel a distance or even visit another country to attend the wedding, your expenses may outweigh the need to give your bride and groom a pretty penny. Read our top tips for cutting the cost of attending a wedding.

Gifting money to the newlyweds

There are various ways your cash gift can be delivered to the bride and groom. Many marrying couples now set up cash registries, which work in a similar way to gift registries, to make the transaction even smoother. Those paying by cheque should double check name details with the bride if they are gifting it on the wedding day itself or at a later date, as depending on her preferences it will be either her married name or maiden name that will need to be included on the cheque. For the most part, you can’t go wrong with a good old-fashioned ‘cash and wedding card’ combination.

Are you a bride or groom looking to ask for cash gifts for upcoming nuptials? Say it politely in poem form with these great wedding invite verses.

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